ahh. this blog is totally dead, pls dun blame me,i do not have the time to update it. even my own blog is dead. really busy this yr, anyways i trust only seniors come this blog, or maybe not. o well, this is e dace dates for morden dance. SYF practice dates :D
18th march [ wed ] ---> 1pm to 5pm
20th march [ fri ] ---> 1pm to 5pm
23rd marh [ mon ] ---> 330pm to 6pm
25th march [ wed ] ---> 330pm to 6pm
26th march [ thurs ]---> 330pm to 6pm
30th march [ mon ] ---> 330pm to 6pm
1st april [ wed ] ---> 330pm to 6pm
3rd april [ fri ] ---> 115pm to 4pm
6th april [ mon ] ---> 330pm to 6pm
8th april [ wed ] ---> 330pm to 6pm
10th april [ fri ] ---> 115pm to 4pm
13th april [ mon ] ---> 100pm to 6pm14th april [ tues ] ---> 1100am to 4pm22nd april [ wed ] ---> 330pm to 530pm29th april [ wed ] ---> 330pm to 530pm30th april [ thurs ] ---> TBC* ones in red is the actual perfomace accpet 13th april which is e UCC rehersal*ones in blue is for e AE performace practice, not SYF. (: